About My Blog

Ok this blog contains my thoughts on everything. That is why I called it Miscuniverse. If you anything you would like to say then say it!!! I will put lots of pictures and stuff =D

Yeh just fuck em *grins*

Yeh just fuck em *grins*
Yeh that's right

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The old LOOKS or PERSONALITY Question

So many people ask this question. I’ve even asked people. I think (By what I can remember) most people I know have said personality. Ha Ha there’ve been some which said both. Not many people like that exist. And if they do then they probably have some other problem like they are bitches or are something you wish you never heard of. (I don’t know what that is)

I personally choose personality. I mean like I’ve said a million times WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SUPPOSE TO SAY TO A GUY THAT HAS LOOKS ONLY!! Something like this maybe: OMG you’re gorgeous and your skin is so smooth what do you use? I use Nivea. (HA HA plastic people) That’s just too weird for me.

I seriously want a guy I can talk to. I want to have conversations about how my team us kicking his teams ass or that movie we were watching the other day and how much it ruled/sucked. Or laugh about idiotic things (Me being a klutz and falling down or whatever) AND I don’t want a guy who take things to heart. I say a lot of mean things sometimes and I don’t want (NEED) a guy who takes every single fucking thing I say to heart and seriously.

A guy I can joke around with, call him a jerk and swear all I want. (Cos I swear a fucking lot get the fuck used to it) A guy I can ACTUALLY say I love you to. (KYA~~) I don’t care if he’s not the best looking guy. I don’t care. Why should I. I don’t need every other chick going after my guy. He’s all mine. And that’s it. (Possessive aren’t ya) Somebody I can hug and kiss without it leading to the bedroom (Or wherever you know what I’m talking about) Just sit there with him and watch a movie or be idiotic and yeah *smiles* (Nobody is perfect. There is no such thing as perfection. It may be a word. But that’s it.)

I’ve met him. Already. And I’m happy. Very. Very much. In love *smiles* (AW WWW how cute)

WOW this whole post was about guys (Good on ya Tash) But I’ve already met mine (Sucked in bitched MWHAHAAH) Joking about that. But I have. And I love him. He loves me more. But still I LOVE him *smiles* (curses under breath) Bloody distance. HAHAH who cares. I can still talk to him. Like I do every night. KYA~~ It’s so weird how we met. BUT I’m glad we did.

Anywayz I’m gonna get going before I keep going on about him. I might write another post. Don’t know about what. I will. Something. HAHA

S.O Ara

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lucky SOB jkn jkn im sure hes good i mean hes wit ya in the 1st place. good lookin guys r jus that good lookin rite? does that make me ugly? :( SMART GUYS R BETA WAAY BETA!!! oi that guy betta treat ya rite or else *gets knives out* ha ha WOW that sounds weird i cant imagine u talkin like that tash..
yeh we kno u can be mean sumtyms but we kno u dnt mean it u love us too much *smiles*
tc darl MWAAH