About My Blog

Ok this blog contains my thoughts on everything. That is why I called it Miscuniverse. If you anything you would like to say then say it!!! I will put lots of pictures and stuff =D

Yeh just fuck em *grins*

Yeh just fuck em *grins*
Yeh that's right

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Well the exams are over.

LMAO what? How could I not be happy?!! Oh and Holidays are here


Wonder how I'm gonna spend it.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Something Noticed

I noticed something when I was sitting around going through my Discs that I have in the box. Most people know I'm a big fan of Anime. I'm especially a fan of Ouran High School Host Club. So I was thinking about what I consider attractive at first. Because people know I'm totally in love with guys XP.
So I thought Hmm who are my favourite guys from OHSHC?
It came down to three i n this order:
Takashi Morinozuka- For some reason I like im a lot. Hes just so damn sexy and mysterious. And tall haha I can't help going for a guy taller than me. He's strong and smart and I can't finish. Even though he comes across as mean and scary, he's so kya~ I can't explain =D
Mitsukuni Haninozuka-
Aww he is just soo damn adorable this guy. He's soo kya~ just want to hug him soo much =]
Kyouya Ootori-
I find him intimidating. Someone I can talk to and kind of have a debate with, but still flirt with =S It doesn't even make sense to me but these are my thoughts on it.

I find "the silent guy" hot. I don't know why. Even though the jerk ones piss me off they're kinda fun in a way. I mean hey I have no problem with other guys. None at all. It would be cool to go out with a guy where you don't have to say anything. You can just sit there in his arms and do whatever (read,watch tv or whatever)

Man I feel weird writing this. Yes this is coming from a girl who is always calling guys stupid idiots who only think with what's in their pants.

Man I'm tired I'll continue this later when I'm less overwhelmed.

S.O Tash

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Just a random things I hope no one is paying attention to..

Sometimes I wonder. About things.

Example: The kind of guys I tend to attract with out paying attention. They tend to be what? SEX CRAZED FUCK HEADS. No offense to you guys LOL It's just true.

From my past relationships (OOH sound like a slut here) I've noticed this HA HA eg. Jake, he was awesome yet a bit of a pervert and stuff.

Not all of them are like that I mean i got "married" twice already in real life LOL.

I was asking about relationships the other day with some friends. (You know me start a random topic about something)

My question was: What do you loo for in a relationship with a person. How should they be? (I know why the hell you asking this shit? I don't know! )

This is the answer i got out of my guy friends (Well the ones i asked SO I'll the rest of you later unless you tell me on msn or something)
-Close relationship
-Doesn't have to be about or involve sex (DOESN'T is the magic word )
-Can talk to
-Can have fun with
-Shares same interests
-Can be random
-Doesn't cheat on me

And the girls:
-Can have fun with
-Isn't afraid to get in touch with their feminine side
-Doesn't think with his dick (Their words exactly OK?)
-Actually pays a bit attention
-Doesn't chat up other girls

Hm these are quite similar to each other yeah?

People have different views on relationships and what they want their partner to be like.

I wanted to get it off me OK? LOL

Anyhow yeah to the next one
*zooms off somewhere*


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Its Tash


(That must have got some people's attention)

LOL seriously. I like the bra I'm wearing now. It's red {LOL WTF TASH ARE YOU OK?} HA HA Hey! it's better than complaining about them and saying they suck like Germaine did! HA HA.

I love going to a girl school. You get to talk about things you can't talk about with guys around. We tried to last time. Some guy always shows up and tries to make up shit which gets us distracted. -Shakes fist-

Yeah school today was weird. I had to do a make up test because i missed out on it last week. My Larry goes to me your one of my star students and I want you to get good marks. So i was like yeah I might as well do the test sir. So yeah did the test in what 40Min's It's all good HA HA.

and My Trials start tomorrow so yeah it's all good. I haven't studied (I can panic later). I get FridayMonday off WOO~~ Because I don't got any exams. Hell yeah !!!

OH Shit it's nearly 11pm. Off to bed for me!!

S.O Ara

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Oh man it was awesome fun!! I had so much damn fun. Made heck of a lot of friends and yea LOL MAn its feels like Saturday now cos im at home ha ha. Ive got school tomorrow joyful!
Anways yeah it was a blast. When we were going there we went with Homebush boys. we sad they were being jerks not talking to us and all. But Sutha (One of the guys from HBHS) told me they were just tired. Then we got there and were put in our rooms was cool. Just had alotta fun. HA HA we had to dance man that was hilarious! There was like the whole group one and then we were in partners. Me & Mel were together until Luke said he wanted to swap partners cos he didn't want to dance with Nick (REJECTED) and yeah we danced for ages. Those speakers were loud too haha. Umm and what else can I say?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Well we were talking the other day about Asian guys (Yes somehow our topics have Asian guys involved in them) Yeah we were talking about how some guy wax and stuff and how Asian guys are like nearly hairless. Well they nearly are !! I go you know some guys wax like everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE!! And we were laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. I was asking my friends and they're not too keen on body hair. "They gotta have hair on their head I mean come on"

I told my friend this and he's- "like it's like going out with a guy who hasn't reached puberty yet, wouldn't you feel weird? The guy has no hair on his body!! . I was um yeah laughing and yet quite intrigued since he's half Asian LOL

Then yeah....

In conclusion People I know like Asian guys =D

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Yeh Its A Public Holiday 2moz!!!!

ooh fuck yeah!!!!!!!!
Long Weekend !!!!!!

Yeah I got the fridge stocked up with Bottles of mixed stuff hehe
And food {off course!}

Yeah APEC thing going on in the city so we get the day off!!
Gave in my assessment and did the class test. Killed the Maths and Conquered the English haha

HAHA being the random person I am. Usually. I was walking with my sister down to the station (On our way home) And I saw this guy (same dude i asked if he wanted some chocolate) So I'm like hey what school do you go to? And he goes why? I look I saw I go Hmm alright bye! LOL walked off.
Embarrassed my sister like hell!!! HAHA its my turn now XD

Today was a pretty ok day. I had a "debate" with my friend.
This is what h append after the "debate"
her: You should be in the debating team
me: Your jokin rite? I'll end up bashin the shit out of my opponent instead. (Or maybe hug them? LMAO)

I've been told I'm scary.

haha me ? No I'm just weird. Yeah a total weirdo. I'm fine with that.

Things that rule:
-My mates
-My Bed
-My comp
-All the awesome bands I listen to

Should I go on?


Yeah Another post to show up sooon !!!!!
S.O Arashi