About My Blog

Ok this blog contains my thoughts on everything. That is why I called it Miscuniverse. If you anything you would like to say then say it!!! I will put lots of pictures and stuff =D

Yeh just fuck em *grins*

Yeh just fuck em *grins*
Yeh that's right

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I am

I am not the kind of girl that would go with any guy. Or sleep with guys. I can't stand those people. But it doesn't matter who your with. It's who you are.

I am not perfect, no one is. So why is it that we all try to be perfect. There is nothing such as the perfect human.

I am not the type that flaunts ''it'' . Sure I wear tops that are low cut but thats it. I don't wear mini skirts. I find them annoying.

I am not a skinny girl. I am fine with that. I am curvy and proud. I'm still trying to get fit, not my fault if I lose some weight along the way now is it?

I am not always quiet. I can be loud. Very loud. Yet I can also be quiet. It may seem that I'm too quiet or yeah too loud.

I am very protective of the people I love and care about. I always have and always will. I back them up. I protect them and try and help them in any way.

I am not that strong on religion. Yes I do believe that there is a god. But these days your religion could judge who you are. Example, If you are Muslim you are automatically a terrorist.

I am a believer in Karma. What goes around comes around. It could come in any form. Rob a bank, your wife might leave you. It's interesting how true Karma is.

I am what I am. Take it or leave it.

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